Monday, March 30, 2009

drop names not bombs

I hate entertainment industry events. I'm just going to start with that. The premises behind this statement are infinite. But the main reason is this: BAD VIBES. Self importance mixed with a sense of entitlement spawning from a totally unjustifiable reason, or an outdated status creates a horrible negative energy. I don't know WHAT to do with myself.

I can make the most of most situations and scenarios, especially with booze, but at these sort of ego-fest's, I usually feel pretty hopeless.

Everything is TEMPORARY.

...Maybe I am BITTER?


1 comment:

  1. i agree. good blog. i wanted to leave SO BAD, especially when you see the ego of people you know taking over. part of me wanted to stay just in case i missed something you know. in the end, i didnt care at all. i didnt give a shit who showed up because if anything i was embarrassed to be there. the whole twilight cast could have been giving out free shots and it wouldnt have mattered.

    so me and justin and keith drank a hundred pitchers at the bourbon which was way more fun, no egos, no competition. you should have come.
