Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Taoist Quotes of Wisdom

These are my favorite things in the world. Taoism has always provided a rough spiritual guide through my *tortured, unfair, cruel cruel youth*. AKA sensitive self absorbed teen/early twenties which I am still in right now.

Today marks one week sober (well, if you don't count some sake on Saturday) and I decided to open my Taoist Book of Wisdom for my daily quote. This is the Tao De Ching summed up prettily for white people with no attention span. It states
"Living Life without Limits is the highest state of existence"
Which I fully endorse, btw, but SHIT, I just deprived myself of my favorite thing for a week, only to be met with this? This is my reward? I'm too naive to not take this quote seriously.

So then I click my little computer date thing, and it says its May 6th, not 8th, which I originally thought.

Therefore, today:
"Those who imitate others deform their own natures. Whether they be regarded as "bandits" or "sages" doesn't matter to me. From my point of view, they have all gone astray, because the only rule is conformity or nonconformity to one's own intrinsic nature"

So... I'm rebelling against myself for not drinking, so I can be seen as a sage (to myself, mind you, this is about self-healing or whatever) only to realize that no one even cares? Not even me?

Turning the page, I then find this:

"You don't make anything happen, events happen by themselves"

Which is the point of Taoism I think, and why I like it: shit happens, all you can do is blog about it and laugh at how seriously we all take everything.

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