The "memory", or dream, was of me and my Mom at the movies going to see some 80's whatever. There was a sort of mini film preceding the feature and the only thing I remember of it was this:
2 men and 1 woman wearing white boiler suits and helmets, constructing rainbows in space, like they were a sort of track. The woman had pigtails and I sensed a sexual tension between her and the two men. Suddenly, the woman slips through the rainbow tracks and falls into the solar abyss. The men begin to panic. This is all I remember.
So last night, I had this dream that I was coming home from school on a weird train thing with no driver, powered by a sort of electrical line overhead. It ran on RAINBOW TRACKS. And in my dream I had this epiphany: MY MEMORY WAS JUST A FUCKING DREAM.
Isn't it interesting how the most profound things, that have SUCH a strong impression on your entire existence, turn out to be nothing but a subconscious manifestation. Also note that while I was traveling on these rainbow tracks, the background music was of a song I heard when I was 3 from a skydiving infomercial. The lyrics: Sky-diving, sky-diving! I also use to use this song as a theme when I would play on swings, stomach down, pretending to fly. WOW.
Next blog: the importance of Siamese cats on my music career
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